An initiative from the EarthWatch Institute. Observe your favourite plants and wildlife through the seasons, and record changes online to help scientists respond to climate change. And there’s an app for that!
Help scientists discover which frogs are where by recording the frogs near you. They will identify them for you too!
Join our Facebook community and share your pictures and stories.
Keep up with what's happening in the natural world.
Follow our Instagram page for photos and updates.
Great 40 minute lesson plan to teach kids about all the life that's in and on a tree.
A comprehensive guide to Australia’s native plants.
A leading source of information on many aspects of native plants.
Includes helpful info on selecting, growing and caring for native plants.
A guide to backyard bugs in Australia - from the CSIRO.
A guide to the birds you can find in Sydney's parks and gardens.
Some fun do-it-yourself birdbath projects. Remember, you can also use everyday items, like a terracotta saucer, a kid's plastic clam shell, an old laundry tub, or even a simple hole in the ground covered with black plastic and filled with plants, logs and rocks.
Learn about our native birds, their habitats and how you can make your garden more bird friendly.
Angus Stewart, the native garden guru from ABC TV's Gardening Australia program shares lots of helpful information, tips and videos about using native plants in our gardens.
This book is a brilliant, practical guide to creating great wildlife habitat in your garden. From small tips to big projects, it has everything you need - even colour-coded plant lists!
For more information about creating habitat.
Build it and they will come!
Wonderful inspiration and information about creating insect hotels.
A quck guide to identifying Australian invertebrates, produced by the Australian Museum.
Loads of helpful information about creating a sustainable garden, including tips on designing your garden, growing veggies, solving problems and setting up a community garden. There's even a free monthly newsletter!
Phone WIRES on 1300 094 737 for rescue help and advice.
Phone Wildcare Australia (07) 5527 2444 for rescue help and advice.
Phone Fauna Rescue of SA on (08) 8289 0896 for rescue help and advice.
Contact Wildlife Victoria for rescue assistance plus lots of How-to-Help fact sheets.
Volunteer bushcare groups around Australia.